Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's been another 6 months since my last post. You have grown so much. You just turned 2 and you are completing whole sentences now. Your favorite movie is Cars and you love to be outside. You can now tell me when you are hungry or when you hurt. You are a pretty tough kid, when you fall you usually jump right back up and keep going. Sometimes if it is a really hard fall you come for loves but then after a minute you say "It Bedder" and off you go again. You love your books, every night I have to give you a book to read before you go to sleep.
Momma Tahnee and I are so lucky, you are such a good girl you occasionally throw a fit but most of the time when you are being bad and I start to count to 3, I rarely make it past 2 before you are listening and changing you behavior. I love the sound of your laugh and that you are so affectionate. My favorite time of day is in the evening when we make dinner and dance to music or you have to sit on the counter so you can have a good look at what I am doing. It makes me laugh that you try to mimic everything I do right down to putting your hands in your pockets and crossing you feet just like me. Grandma Philly laughs and laughs and calls you a mini me. You love your grandma's, you call Grandma Philly "ma ficky" and Grandma D "Gumma". The cutest thing you say now is "my name Lessi" as you point at your little chest.

For your birthday we had a party in the morning with all your friends you had such a good time. Then in the evening we invited all of our adult friends that love you. At one point I looked accross the living room into the kitchen and realized that our house was completely packed with friends. It was so nice to see that many faces smiling at you as you opened your gifts. You are loved by everyone that knows you and you give so much love back. It warms my heart to think about what a loving soul you have and I pray you continue to be loving of everyone you meet.