Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well Mommy has been a bit of a slacker and hasn't posted anything in a while, let's remedy that and catch up a bit.

Since my last post you have had your first birthday and you have learned to walk. You are everywhere and into everything, as soon as I clean something up you are right behind me making another mess. Momma Tahn thinks it's very comical.

You are learning to talk now. You have mastered Hi and I believe you have a quota to meet every time we go out to see how many people you can say "Hi" to. The newest word is cheese and any time anyone points a camera at you, you tell them cheese. You are understanding more and more words everyday. This week Momma Tahn taught you to take things to the garbage and you are doing that regularly now and today I asked you to go get your shoes and you went right in and got one, then when I said good job but you need two you went right back in and grabbed the other one and a second pair for good measure.

You are a very good girl, you usually mind and you are always polite to other people. I am already so proud.

Your favorite food is fruits and veggies (mostly fruit) Momma Tahn calls you a fruititarian. When we go to the store and we buy grapes or any kind of berry you point and squeak and grunt until we give you one right then. After that we have to hide them or I think you would eat the whole package before made our way to the check out.

This week I have noticed that you are becoming more interested in tv. Today I found you dancing with Barney and friends. You sing and dance to any music that is on and you have got a ton more rhythm then I do.

Also right now you are learning to eat with a spoon or a fork, you are doing very well but still get a bit tired of it and end up eating with your hands. I am sure you will master it in about a month or so. You already drink from a straw and enjoy juice and water more then milk.

You are growing up so fast, it's like I blink and you become more independent. Sometimes I want it to slow down, but with each new thing you learn your personality shines through. I realize you are becoming you and I would never want to take that away.

I am so very thankful I have you and I get to see all the new stages in your life.

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