Friday, January 9, 2009

Ok so lets try this out

I have never really blogged before but here goes. I figure since I have been a lazy mom and not kept a baby book I will try to make up for it now using a blog.

Ok so lets start at the beginning and summarize the last year and a half.

March 25 2007
We met the doctor and are going to make a baby. I will be tracking my ovulation and I will take a fertility drug to help keep the ovulation regular. The doctor says it can take on average 4 tries so we have some time. First I have got to quit smoking.

April 2007
Well I am now nicotine free but no ovulation in fact no cycle at all. So next month we start the fertility meds.

May 2007
Started the fertility meds now we just wait and test.

June 2007
We had our donor sample shipped and it is waiting on me at the university of Utah. June 11 we got a positive ovulation. June 12 we called the doctor and we make our first attempt that afternoon. We wait a few days and take a pregnancy test. Negative. I cried for an hour, Momma Tahn was so strong she told me to remember the doctor says on average it takes 4 tries. We wait again and start the fertility meds again. They make me mean, I feel bad for those around me.

July 2007
We have the donor sample sent again, they were out of our first choice so we went with out second. July 5 we have a positive ovulation, we call the doctor and Dr Nelson is on vacation so we will need to see his partner. Nothing is going as planned. We go to the doctor and we make our second attempt. Then we wait again. July 10 Momma Tahn tells me to wait until the 12th to take a pregnancy test but I can't wait. I stop at the store, I have $10. I have to buy a cheap test but I am hoping it works. At home I pee on the stick and wait, Slowly the two lines start to appear. They are light in color but there are two lines. Oh god I am pregnant, now how do I tell Momma Tahn I tested without her and it's positive. She got home about 7pm and Karl is with her. I pull the stick out of my back pocket and show her. she say "It's too light, you can't tell by this". So we call reinforcements, The McCardell's come over and Sheri tells Momma Tahn it looks like two lines to her but we should buy another test and try again.
Off to the store I go. This time a buy a 3 pack. I get home and head right to the bathroom to test again. There are two very faint lines. Sheri says they will get darker as the days go by and to test again tomorrow and the next day if the are still light. Mitch swears there are two lines also and they will only get darker.
I test again the next afternoon, still two very faint lines. Then Friday July 12 I test again that afternoon and the lines are darker. We are going to be moms.

Aug 2007
We haven't told too many people about you because we don't want to jinx ourselves. I have made the first doctors appointment and we are just waiting. We are so excited we can't stand it. We have already bought a package of diapers and every where we go we look at baby things.

Sept 2007
Sept 12 our first doctor appointment. The doctor pulls in the old outdated ultra sound machine to look at you for the first time. Wow there you were just a blob of grey on the screen with a little flash in the middle. He tells us that is your heart and that it is very strong. We are both so happy and we realize this is the beginning of the best time in our lives.

Oct 2007
So far so good. No problems things are progressing well. I have morning sickness almost every day now. It's not fun but I try to focus on you and visualize meeting you for the first time. We get to find out if you are a boy or girl this month.
October 26 we have our first official ultra sound they are checking your measurements and we get to see if you are a boy or girl. Everything looks good and you are perfect, unfortunately you won't show us your parts. The McCardell's were in the parking lot waiting for us to come out. They are just as excited as we are and then we tell them you wouldn't let us see if you were a boy or girl. Sheri tells us about fetal photos and that they could tell us. We make the appointment for the next day.
October 27, 9 am we are up and on our way to fetal photos. I am hoping for a boy but either way I want you to be healthy. Momma Tahn wants a girl. Again you are stubborn and are not cooperating, we began poking you and moving you until you finally give up. IT'S A GIRL. We cry, you are so perfect. We have decided to name you Alexis D'Ann.

Nov 2007-Jan 2008
Everything is going well. There are a couple complications but they were caught quickly and I am on meds to help. My blood pressure is high and I have gestational diabetes. The doctor is keeping a close eye on everything and says the only fear is that you will be a large baby and he warns us that a c-section is very possible.
January 2008 the baby showers begin. We have bought the crib and clothes. We have diapers and wipes we are getting ready quickly.

Feb 2008
We are getting very anxious. the baby showers continue and I am getting bigger by the day. I watch my tummy and can see you move often, it's the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. Now that I can see it on the outside, I spend a lot of time trying to make you move.

March 2008
The excitement is building. Momma Tahn comes up with a bright idea for me to drink Castor oil to make you come early. I know it was a dumb idea but I fell for it. We end up at the hospital in the middle of the night. Stephanie and Shanna in tow. We are there for about 4 hours and nothing. Well nothing except that I am sick, it was a dumb idea.
March 21 week 39. We arrive for the doctors appointment at 9am they test my blood pressure and leave the room. The doctor comes in and says "How do you like March 21st for your daughters birthday?" He tells us that my blood pressure is to high and that if we wait any longer toxemia will occur and that can hurt mommy and Lexi. He also advises us on c-section or induction. We opt for the c-section. He tells us to check in to labor and delivery and that our little girl will be born later that afternoon.
We spent the whole day at the hospital and at 5 pm they tell us that the surgery is scheduled for 6pm. It is just me and Momma Tahn, I am scared and I think she is too. We watch tv and we laugh and talk, we are so excited but so nervous. Then the McCardell's arrive, notice while you read this they have been a constant in your life even before you were born. They are good people and will always be there for you. 6:45pm Here we go. I am in the operating room and they are putting the spinal block in my back. Momma Tahn is waiting in the hall. My legs are numb and Momma Tahn is by my side. She watches the doctors in amazement, I can tell by her face she is scared. She remains strong and tells me that everything is ok and she talks to me to keep my mind off of everything that is going on. Then the doctor says "look at all that dark hair" and you were here. They brought you around to where I could see you. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Then they whisk you away to clean you up. When they bring you over to me again you are wrapped in a blanket with a little hat on your head, they lean you in close and let me kiss you. I cried. You were born March 21 2008 at 7:14 pm, you weighed 8 lbs o.o9oz and you are 20in long.

The next few days are spent getting to know you and healing.

We Finally get to go home after 3 days.

The First few months.

Our first night at home was the beginning of a long few months. You have colic. Every night you cry or actually it is more like screaming until sometimes 2 or 3 in the morning. Thank goodness for maternity leave. I am up all night with you and I sleep all day with you. the doctors say there is nothing they can do for it we just have to let you outgrow it.
All 3 of us at times sit and cry. You seem so miserable and Momma Tahn nor I know what to do. I hold you and rock you and nothing calms you down. Momma Tahn and I argue. We are so tired, but we keep plugging along. Then one day it stopped and you spent more time laughing and playing then you did crying. We made it though colic.

In June 2008 we decide to buy a house. We found our cute little house on San Fernando drive. I tell the doctor we will be moving and she says then it is a perfect time for you to move to your own room in your crib. We moved in on July 29 2008, you spent the first couple of weeks in our room so you could settle into the house. Ok I lie it was more for me then you, right from the beginning it was like you knew the house was yours. So after 2 weeks mommy gave up and you slept in your own room in your crib and you slept the whole night.

The rest of the summer and fall of 2008 was spent just being a family. You were growing and doing new things all the time. You sat up for the first time and started to jibber jabber. You started to eat food in your high chair. You are amazingly smart. You love baths and going for walks. Your favorite food is sweet potatoes, and your best friend is Catcher (he calls you baby Lecus).

You were a pink monster for your first Halloween and even though it was cold you were a trooper and trick or treated the whole night with Ethan, Halley, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Alex, Uncle Juan and mommy. You even fell asleep in the stroller before we were finished but you didn't cry or complain at all.

December 2008
On December 16 we were getting ready to go to Granny D's retirement party and you crawled for the first time. You were a little slow but you did it. Since then you have been on the go. We have to close doors and put up gates to protect you, but you are so cute when you follow me from room to room or how you follow the cat.
Also in December you got pink eye for the first time and double ear infections. Other than that you are health, happy, and loved by many. You are mommy's little bug.

This covers the beginning, stay tuned for daily updates. Now that I have done this much it will be easier to stay on top of the updates and milestones.

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